This very interesting 10 x 11-1/4 inch, 48-page soft cover photo book has photos throughout and was published in 1940. It is a great photo documentation of the many improvements that happened in Germany since Adolf Hitler was appointed Reich Chancellor in 1933 in the following fields: living conditions, working conditions, drastic reduction of unemployment, care for mother and child as well as for the elderly and veterans from World War One, education in schools as well as education in the various trades and political training of future Nazi leaders, the creation of a strong military and industry but also organizing the free-time of the German worker and much more. Considering that Germany was a bancrupt country with a people that lived in turmoil and poverty, it is amazing how this country was transformed to the most powerful nation in Europe within only a little over a decade. But unfortunately it took even less time to end up totally destroyed only a few years later.
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