The 8-1/4 x 11 inch, 392 page hardcover book was published in 1936 by the NS-Studentenbund, the students organization in the Third Reich. It is the best original Nazi era book we have ever seen that deals about what the German people in the entire Reich were doing in their free-time! On 287(!) photos it is very well documented what the civilians were doing when they are off from work as well as what all the Germans in uniform were doing after being dismissed, like Hitler Youth, BDM, SA, NS-Studentenbund, Reichsarbeitsdienst, Wehrmacht, Reichskriegsmarine, etc.! The book is made in the same way like the Reich Party Day books (only the size is a little smaller) with high quality glossy paper and embossed cover. It was published by Verlag Schmidt und Co. in Berlin.
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