This hard to find book was published in 1943 as a last farewell to one of the most ingenious persons in the Third Reich: Dr. Fritz Todt, the man who was in charge of the construction of the Reichsautobahn, the Westwall and during the war responsible for thousands of workers who did reconstruction work at the Eastern front and who built the huge U-boat bunkers at the Atlantic coast. Todt died in a plane crash in February 1942. Few other officials in Nazi Germany had as many titles as Fritz Todt:
– SA-Obergruppenführer
– Generalmajor der Luftwaffe
– Reichs Minister für Bewaffnung und Munition
– Generalbevollmächtigter für das deutsche Strassenwesen
– Generalinspektor für Wasser und Energie
– Leiter des Hauptamtes für Technik
– Reichswalter des NSBDT
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