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SKU: K165 Category:

This very interesting and heavily illustrated 8-1/4 x 9 inch, 210-page hardcover book was published by order of Gauleiter and Reichswalter of the NS-Lehrerbund (NSLB or Nazi teacher’s organization) Fritz Wächtler. It was published in 1941 by Deutscher Volksverlag in Munich as part of a (planned?) series of books about Third Reich Germany. The book deals about the territories that were annexed by the German Third Reich before the outbreak of the war, such as the Sudetenland as well as the parts of Europe with supressed ethnic German minorities such as in Poland that were “liberated” since September 1939. The book is not only about the reunion of all ethnic Germans but also about the economical uprising and organization of the conquered territories since they were under German command. Another chapter deals about the return of ethnic Germans from Russia and the south-eastern parts of Europe into the German Reich.

A very interesting rare book in very good condition! Offered here is a copy of the hard to find first edition!

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