Offered for sale is a
Offered here is an extremely hard to find original SS publication, published in 1942 by order of the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler / SS-Hauptamt in Berlin. The 6-1/2 x 9 inch soft cover book has 92 extremely anti-Semitic pages about the Jewish danger, non-Aryan blood in general and the SS man’s role in guaranteeing the pure Nordic blood lines for future generations! This extremely hard to find book contains many Himmler orders and, as this book was designed for educational purposes, of course a lot of anti-Jewish propaganda. Here is a translation of one of the chapters:
The Jew
“The theories of equality of the church, liberalism and Marxism were essentially formed and developed by Jews; they were the first and most fanatical harbingers of these ideas. The Jew Paul spread Christianity’s theory of equality; the world view of the French revolution and liberalism originates from free masonry in which the Jews were always predominant. Originating from Portugal, the English Jew Ricardo, the “father of classical political economy,” is the prophet of the liberal’s economics of free trade and economic piracy. The fundamental and definitive book on the subject of Marxism and Bolshevism is Das Kapital by the Jew Mardochai (Marx). How does the Jew arrive at this destructive position among the European nations? The Jews are a race mixture, the nature of which, primarily because of its parasitical instincts, puts it in opposition to all other peoples and races. This has been most clearly expressed by a member of the Jewish race, Karl Marx, the author of Das Kapital, who said: “what is the worldly custom of Jews? the virtual requirement of self interest. What is the worldly ritual of Jews? Haggling. What is their worldly God? Money.” And the Jewish philosopher Spinoza: “Concerning what we require for our welfare and to attain our peace of mind, no other principles are required save only that of taking good heed of what is to our own advantage.” The parasitical instincts of the Jew show up most obviously in its adaptability to host peoples. A typical example of this is the way the Jew relates to language: Even prior to the time period we are considering, the Jewish people frequently changed their language; everywhere they went they assumed the language of the host country; in doing so, of course, they could never quite conceal their racial smear on the country’s pronunciation. Thereby Jews are clearly one of the most race conscious peoples. The moral imperatives of the Old Testament and the Talmud strictly forbid marriage with non Jews. Every one of their leaders has stressed the crucial importance of race and of racial purity. Even in the Soviet Union, which is hostile to racial ideals, measures are taken for the protection of Jewish blood. A remark by the Jew Benjamin Disraeli (originally d’Israeli, later Lord Beaconsfield) long time English Prime Minister, is most well known: “…no one may treat the race principle, the race question indifferently. I t i s t h e k e y t o w o r l d h i s t o r y. And therefor history is so frequently confused because it was written by people who did not understand the race question and likewise few of the circumstances appertaining to it. Race is everything and every race that gives away its blood by careless interbreeding must perish. Language and religion do not make a race, the blood makes it. Following its parasitic instincts the Jew keeps its own race pure while at the same time attacking the host peoples in the heart of their existence, in the durability of their racial being. For only if a peoples racial foundation is destroyed by racial mixing, can the Jew develop freely and without restraint. The political actions of the aforementioned Disraeli, indicate that many Jews also aim at the deliberate annihilation of the races. He made Queen Elisabeth [actually Queen Victoria] Empress of India and thereby intentionally provided an entranceway for oriental ways of life. He fabricated for the English people an illusionary realm based on the Orient and thereby blunted and adulterated the Englishmen’s racial instincts. Also in the Soviet Union the Jew has deceived the peoples of Russia by making them believe in the delusion of a Paradise on earth, has encouraged race mixing on the largest scale and thus a process of degradation, that had already begun in former times, was extraordinarily accelerated. Only a people lacking in race consciousness, without [racial] instinct and thereby really cultureless could become the instrument of the Jewish plans for world domination. Thus we understand the word of the great Mommsen who calls the Jewish people the “sour dough of decay.” Therefore, between the race-conscious peoples and the Jew there can never be compromise but always only struggle. Europe will overcome this danger of decay only when the last Jew has left our continent. What the Führer forecast at the beginning of our fight for freedom will fulfill itself in this war:
Only the Jew, not the German people will be destroyed in this war.”
This rare book is in good used condition.
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