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The NS-Frauenschaft (NSF) was founded in October 1931 as a union of several national and national socialist women’s associations. After the NSDAP came to power in 1933 the NSF was declared the sole parteiamtliche Frauenorganisation (official Nazi Party’s Women’s Association). The NSF was the core of the Deutsches Frauenwerk (DFW) which regulated the life of German women in the Third Reich. From February 1934 to the collapse of the Third Reich the NSF’s leader was Reichsfrauenführerin Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (1902 – 1999) who was also head of the DFW. She was a NSDAP member since 1930, her third husband was SS-Obergruppen-führer August Heissmeyer and together they had eleven children (only the last one she had together with Heissmeyer). In order to fulfill their tasks regarding educating and leading the German women in the national socialist way the NS-Frauenschaft became an official NSDAP sub-organization in March 1935. The NSF was then structured identical to the Nazi party, divided into Gau, Kreis, Ortsgruppe, Zelle, Block and Haushaltungsgruppe. New members had prove their political qualification in order to be accepted, i.e. they had to be members of the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM or League of German Girls) or other Nazi organizations. About 2.3 million German women were organized in the NSF. At least once a month they had to attend the so called “Frauenschaftsabend”, a weekly scheduled political meeting similar to the ones held in the Hitler Youth and BDM. In these meetings the women were lectured about the national socialist ideology, racial questions and their role as wife and mother. Some were also prepared for possible leadership tasks and send to NSF Gau- and Reich leader schools. The NSF also took care of the “Reichsmütterdienst” where women could take courses in childcare, housekeeping and German tradition. The NS-Frauen-schaft had only little direct influence within the NSDAP but NSF members participated in all levels of the political apparatus. The NSF periodical was the NS-Frauenwarte, published by the NSDAP and was the only official magazine for women in the Third Reich. Each issue contained the latest on what was going on in the German Third Reich (and in the later issues also lots about the war), in the Nazi Party and in the NS-Frauenschaft, the Third Reich organization for German women. Of course they also had everything women are interested in, too such as paper patterns, dress models, stories, etc.! Some issues have very interesting and artful covers, very suitable for framing! The NS-Frauenwarte was originally published bi-weekly, from the July 1942 issue on only every three weeks and in 1944 much thinner issues, printed on inferior late war paper, were published every four weeks.

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